The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!  This blog is a safe zone for anyone who may be dealing with mental health issues or have loved ones who may be dealing with mental health issues, substance abuse issues and for felons attempting to reintegrate into society.  I plan to dedicate my voice and my words to “detaching the stigma” related to mental health issues such as Depression, ADHD, Autism, and many others that we may live through on a daily basis and substance abuse issues and for felons attempting to reintegrate into society.  .  Mental health, addiction, and people who are felons have so many negative stigmas attached to it that people tend to shun these topics and the people who are dealing with these issues.  No one shuns the diabetic, or the person diagnosed with lupus, or those who may suffer from high blood pressure because many feel that those are “normal” conditions that people suffer with BUT when you mention depression or schizophrenia people tend to clam up or automatically think that people should just be medicated and/or removed from society, basically institutionalize them forever or until “normalcy” returns.  In my opinion there is no accurate definition of normal and everyone should be accepted for who they are and should be supported in all areas of their lives no matter what diagnosis they may have been labeled with. Welcome to my thoughts and I hope this can inspire and encourage someone!!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


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